Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What is in the Church

During our church tour we talked about many of the things we see every week. When we enter the church, we use Holy Water from the Baptismal Font to bless ourselves and to remember our baptism, when we became members of the Church and were freed from Original Sin.

Just inside the church are the votive candles. When we light one to pray for someone, we remember that Jesus is the Light of the World.

In the sanctuary we see the tabernacle where the consecrated hosts, Jesus' Body are kept. When we see the red candle lit it reminds us that Jesus is truly present in the Tabernacle. We genuflect to the tabernacle when we enter the church. God's word is read at the Ambo at mass. Father showed us the Book of the Gospels and the Lectionary too. The table where Father offers God bread and wine and where that bread and wine become Jesus' body and blood is called the Altar.

Our church has many things in it to remind us of Jesus and his friends. The crucifix reminds us of Jesus and how he died for us. We have statues of Jesus, Mary, Joesph and others. On the wall are the Stations of the Cross which remind us of how much Jesus loved us to suffer such an awful death for us.

When we go to church, we need a place to sit, and so we have pews.

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